Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lowering the Legal Drinking Age?

Many people believe the legal drinking age should be lowered, but I disagree. There are many negative effects of lowering the legal drinking age.

A lot of college presidents and university presidents think that the legal drinking age is not effective and should be lowered. People will find a way to drink whether it is legal for them to be doing so or not so the law is never completely effective anyway. Also, most people that are under twenty-one are not mature enough or responsible enough to be drinking.

Lowering the legal drinking age would result in more car accidents. Car crashes are the leading cause of teenage death, and a lot of the accidents are caused by driving while intoxicated. Just as Pam Richter said, "There are already [enough] distractions for teen drivers." We need not add alcohol to the list.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Texting While Driving Should Be Banned!

Texting while driving is bad, period! It can cause drivers to become distracted from the roadway, which is never ok. Although Mr. Balko is right about the fact that there are other forms of distraction while on the road, studies have shown that a person is twenty-three times more likely to get into an accident while texting. In fact, texting while driving is nearly as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.

I know a person whose stepfather was killed in an accident because the person that hit them was not paying attention because she was texting while she was driving. Now that family has to live every day without him by teir side, and the lady that hit them has to live with the guilt of killing that poor innocent man.

Texting hehind the wheel should be illegal nationwide. If this were to happen, families would be less hurt by loss of loved ones, people would not have to live with the guilt of killing someone, and the roadways would be safer. No text is that important.