Sunday, March 15, 2009

To Perfect My World...

Perfecting the world would be a very hard task to accomplish. It would take many many years to complete.

As for my perfect world:

1) No violence. Yell and scream about a problem all you want, but no hitting, punching, kicking, etc. anyone!

2) Everyone is given a second chance. People make mistakes. No one is perfect, so i believe everyone deserves to have a second chance. When someone messes up, they would be given a warning and then in the second offense, the person would be punished.

3) Only people that are fit to be parents would be allowed to have children. No teen pregnancies.

4) Less drama. Everyone would avoid conflict as much as possible.

Basically, my perfect world would be almost completely free of violent manners.

Anthem review

Anthem is a story of determination. Equality 7-2521 knows there is more to the world than just the findings in the community he lives in.

Equality 7-2521 is just like everyone else. Well, at least that is what he is supposed to think. Everyone is treated the same, given the same clothing, given the same food, everything is equal. Everyone is referred to as "we", not "I". The word "I" is forbidden.

While doing the job he was assigned to do, a street sweeper, Equality 7-2521 meets Liberty 5-3000. It is forbidden for men to talk to women. He ignores this rule and so does she. Equality 7-2521 has even give Liberty 5-3000 her own special name! He calls her the Golden One.

When Equality 7-2521 discovers something new, he can't wait to show the House of Scholars. He has always dreamed of being a scholar. But when Equality 7-2521's discovery is banished, Equality 7-2521 runs away into the Uncharted Forest.

Does Equality 7-2521 survive in the Uncharted Forest? Does Equality 7-2521 get the Golden One? Read and find out!

Breaking Dawn review (754 pages, 3 books)

Breaking Dawn is a story of love and war. This book is a wonderful conclusion to the Twilight series. This story winds up the story of Bella, mortal human being, and Edward, immortal vampire.

In the small town of forks you would think that nothing out of the ordinary would happen, but when Bella meets Edward, her whole life changes. She is caught in a love with an immortal being. Forced to keep secrets from her father and friends.

Bella and Edward are engaged to be married. Edward has promised Bella he will make her a vampire after they are married, but when Bella becomes pregnant, he must change her sooner than planned.

To top everything off, Jacob, the werewolf, has a secret of his own about the baby.

The Volturi, a clan of vampires, has it out for the Cullens.

Join the supense and figure out what happens to the Cullens when the Volturi come to attack!